About BoredLass

Audiophile, bibliophile, backpacking junkie, coffee-holic caffeine freak, chocoloco and rant aficionado. 

One day, I had extra 3 hours to pass before my meeting was due and I couldn't think of any way to kill time (because I forgot my book) but browsed my gmail and ended up on blogger. And there started my first rant about vanity vs narcissism. I wrote another one about pixie cut and eventually got bored at writing things so I eventually stopped.

I don’t engage in Facebook. While browsing photos at my laptop, my mom told me why not write about the place I’ve been to, things I am doing, book I am reading, and blah, blah, blah. Basically her point is for me to have a journal about certain things that I am doing so that one day, I have something to look back to remind me what I have done in all these years.

Honestly, I find it taxing aside from the fact that I only like to write for the first five minutes and then poof! Surrender is the next. But who knows what will happen 5 – 10 years from now? I might have amnesia and no one’s gonna care to conduct my own history lesson?

Books! I am one of those children who depends on flashlights in the middle of the night just to finish what I am reading or get scolded for not making chores done because I was so engrossed with Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground.

Music. It soothes my ever active easily annoyed nerves.

Travelling. I prefer solo but groupies will do.

Coffee. Best if it’s brewed. Too bad I can’t stand it now. I mean, my stomach can’t.
 (It’s beyond 5 mins and I don’t think I can write more…)

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