Tuesday, January 6, 2015


1.    Waking up early. Especially when it's freaking cold outside and all you could wish is for the night to extend so you could succumb in the warmth of your sheets. Or the booze did really get you and standing up in the moment is the last thing you would do...

2.    Running out of clothes. So your class is 7am and you woke up 6:50 and hastily get to your closet only to find out your ragged jeans is at the laundry together with all your fave stuff. Just reverse that shirt kiddo!

3.    ID misfortune. My university having no gates around its perimeter is very lax when it comes to ‘No ID No Entry’ policy. I had more than enough of this in high school though. I live 10km from school and forgetting your ID at the last minute means you better be absent. Darn!

4.    Surprise quizzes. Because you know too well how you will suck at it because you trade study with a gulp session.

5.    A greedy classmate. Those people who keep their notes to their own. Those people who do not share assignments. Those people who don’t tell there's a quiz. Geez, I could go on forever at this.

6.    Movie review. Remember those days when you walked inside the classroom and read the instruction on the board: Proceed to blah, blah, blah, watch blah, blah, blah, and pass your movie review next meeting. Like really?

7.    Lazy instructors. Those teachers who come to class late and leave early. Those who are best at giving students gazillion of reports and give no inputs. Those who only show up twice or thrice in a semester and ask you to pass assignments via email.

8.    Killer instructors. Those who are too good at their field of endeavour. Too good that you can't please them at all. And in a class of 30, only 5 will pass or worst none.

9.    Repeating the same killer professor. Not again!

110. Thesis. Here’s the deal. Group: Too many heads, too few hands. Individual: One head, two hands with self as the enemy. Enough said.

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